How it works
On this platform you find courses that are about God, faith, Jesus, life and more. The courses are offered to you free of charge.
Personal e-coach
With most courses that we currently have, you are personally supervised by an e-coach. This is an online coach that responds to your answers, comments and questions in the course. Throughout the course you are in touch with this coach.
Linking with an e-coach we do not automatically. But we search for a coach, that we think, suits you. And you, of course, to the coach.
Lessons and assignments
The courses consist of several lessons. These are pieces of text, images and videos. Some of the lessons ask you to respond or do another assignment. Through the questions, the course material can be made practical.
Speed of response
If you have answered questions, the e-coach gets a message that he can react on it. You get a personal response to your answers and questions. Isn't that beautiful? Because if you have an e-coach, there is nothing automatic about the tasks! An e-coach is trying to respond as soon as possible. Within a few days you definitely have reaction!
Accountability Partner
There are also courses (WATCH-APPLY-SHARE) with an Accountability Partner. In those courses, in the element SHARE, you can choose to share your answer to the question with an Accountability Partner. An Accountability Partner is someone you can pick on your own. We encourage you to walk through this course with someone next to you, who can help you to follow the course. It’s an addition to the course we believe is helpful.
You start each lesson by watching a short clip from a movie or short text. After watching the clip or reading the text, you can then post a comment underneath it. Your comment will be visible for other participants of that course, so you can see feedback and response from others.
The next part is the APPLY-element. This part starts with scripture. The Bible may seem like an old book, but it has so much to say to us today. APPLY also raises some questions to help you internalize the lessons to draw from the movie segment, text and the Bible verses. The answers to these questions are confidential and are not shared with your Accountability Partner.
In the last part of the lesson you have the opportunity to SHARE what you’ve learned with your Accountability Partner. This Accountability Partner is someone you've chosen to share your answers with. Though not required, the SHARE option is designed as a valuable complement to the course and can help you in a profound way.
A day after you complete the three above steps (WATCH, APPLY and SHARE), you can continue with the next lesson. You will receive a notification via email when you’re able to proceed to the next lesson.
More questions?
Not getting anywhere? Just ask your e-coach a question. Or contact us via the contact form. Or send an email to