How It Works

On this platform you find courses that are about God, faith, Jesus, life and more. The courses are offered to you free of charge.

Personal E-Coach  

With some of the courses we currently offer, you are personally supervised by an E-coach. This online coach responds to your answers, comments, and questions throughout the course, ensuring you have consistent support and guidance as you progress. Throughout the entire journey, you remain in touch with your coach, making the experience personal and engaging.


We do not automatically link you with an E-coach. Instead, we carefully select a coach who we believe is the best fit for you, ensuring that the connection is meaningful and beneficial. Likewise, the coach is matched with you in mind, creating a more personalized and supportive experience.

Lessons and Assignments 

The courses consist of several lessons, which include text, images, and videos. Some lessons encourage you to respond or complete assignments. These questions and activities help make the course material more practical and applicable to your life, allowing for a deeper and more personalized learning experience.

Speed of Response

When you have an E-coach, you receive personal responses to your answers and questions. It’s not automated; your E-coach is a real person who thoughtfully engages with you. They strive to respond within a few days, providing guidance and encouragement as soon as possible. This personal connection is a beautiful part of the E-coaching experience.

Accountability Partner 

There are also courses designed with the WATCH-APPLY-SHARE model that include an Accountability Partner. In the SHARE element, you have the option to share your responses with an Accountability Partner, someone you choose yourself. We encourage you to go through the course with someone alongside you who can support and encourage you throughout the process. This added layer of accountability is something we believe enhances your experience and helps you stay on track.

Each lesson begins with a short movie clip or a brief text for you to watch or read. After engaging with the content, you can post a comment underneath, which will be visible to other participants in the course. This allows you to see feedback and responses from others, creating a shared learning experience where participants can interact and learn from one another.

The next part of the course is the APPLY element, which begins with scripture. While the Bible may seem like an ancient book, it has so much relevance for our lives today. APPLY includes questions designed to help you internalize the lessons from the movie segment, text, and Bible verses. Your answers to these questions are kept confidential and are not shared with your Accountability Partner, allowing you to reflect personally on the material.

In the last part of the lesson you have the opportunity to SHARE what you’ve learned with your Accountability Partner. This Accountability Partner is someone you've chosen to share your answers with. Though not required, the SHARE option is designed as a valuable complement to the course and can help you in a profound way.

A day after you complete the three above steps (WATCH, APPLY and SHARE),  you can continue with the next lesson. You will receive a notification via email when you’re able to proceed to the next lesson.

More Questions?  

If you're feeling stuck or need help, don't hesitate to ask your E-coach a question. You can also reach out to us directly through the contact form for additional support. We're here to help you every step of the way!