8 Days with Jesus: Who is Jesus?

This 8-day walk will introduce you to Jesus and who He is. Take this opportunity to enhance and deepen your understanding of Jesus, the Son of God.

8 Days with Jesus: Who is Jesus?
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Course description

MentorLink International and The JESUS Film Project have partnered to develop a series of innovative discipleship tools specially designed to help users deepen their walk with Christ. 

Days with Jesus delivers video clips from The JESUS Film, combined with thought-provoking questions for reflection, discussion and practical life application.

Course content

8 Days with Jesus: Who is Jesus?
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Explaining the Course
Day 1: Jesus is God Among Us
Day 2: Jesus Taught God's Ways
Day 3: Jesus Has All Power
Day 4: Jesus is God's Son
Day 5: Jesus Suffered for Me
Day 6: Jesus Died for Me
Day 7: Jesus Rose from the Dead
Day 8: Invitation
Course Complete

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